Conceptual contributions in Consciousness Research

You might be wondering why new contribution is necessary for expansion of the present science!

This is necessary for the following reasons.

Therefore, this page is essential for those who want to get engaged in the expansion of the horizon of science, to push its envelope, and to find out the active pores in its boundary. The objectives are to

Dr. A K Mukhopadhyay

We want to go beyond....

Beyond what have we seen,

Beyond what have we got,

Beyond what have we done

And beyond what have we not.

Beyond all orders and bid,

Where our true ‘self’, indeed,

Stays above all pleasure and pain

Beyond all bonds and limits and chains,

Free from all

Response or call

Beyond all hopes and desire,

We want to go there!

Passed years, by minutes,

To surpass all limits

Beyond the senses, the mind and the soul,

To get our lost ‘self’ in whole

We transcend all finites we see,

In that endless Infinity,

We excel the science and the Seer

To have our platform there!


INITIAL SUPPOSITION : Our initial supposition is that the brain neither generates consciousness nor can use consciousness. It is consciousness that uses the organ brain for its manifestations. The universe neither generates the Essence nor can use this Essence. The Essence of the Multiversity uses the universe for its manifestations. The genes neither generate information nor can use information. It is information that uses genes as means for the manifestation of its purpose.

The purpose of the Evolution of the brain as an organ is to create a suitable “home” for the nonlocal players in the non-observable domain such as Consciousness, Self, ‘Life’, and the Mind so that the Conscious will could manifest in the 4-D world as a Signal in the Behavior of the brain-possessing entity. In contrast to the widely prevalent view of neurocentric consciousness, our pursuit is on conscious-centric neuroscience, leading inevitably to Immersive Neuroscience, where the brain systems is a behavioral organ for the Essence of the Multiversity (

All neural experiences require communication between brain-bound consciousness and the brain-independent consciousness through ZPE. The brain-bound consciousness and the brain-independent consciousness communicate through ZPE irrespective of whether the being is spiritual or not!

AXIOLOGY : At the outset be clear of the Axiology of the Realty ( Axiology may be stated as follows:


THE WORLDVIEW : Individuation of the scientist by the Multiversity-inspired Worldview and its behavioral outcomes are intertwined, resulting in the emergence of Science for Consciousness. The culmination of this intertwining is at the meeting point of Science, Humanity, and Spirit where Science for Consciousness merges with Science of Consciousness. This point (in the terminology of Space) and this moment (in the terminology of Time), in essence, is the origin of multiple universe(s) and is called the Essence of the Multiversity. Multiple universe(s) form the largest intellectually comprehensible pluralistic systems, The Multiversity, where individuality is in harmony with the plurality.

[Historical Perspectives: The phrase “The Multiversity” with capital ‘M’ and ‘The’ prior to it, was first coined and used in his letterhead by Akhandamandaleswar Sri Sri Swami Swarupananda Paramahansa Dev, author’s Gurudev, before the author was physically born. In Science, the word ‘multiverse’ is being used since 1990s. Author used the phrase in subtitle of his books in 1995 and 2000 (Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4: The Multiversity)] (

In this new Worldview, the Power is not with the brain but with consciousness, not with the universe but with the Essence of the Multiversity, not with the genes or memes but with the Information. As a consequence, what follows are cascading vertical inversions and upside-becoming-down phenomena. In Neuroscience, the whole neuraxis is seen to behave like an inverted tree with roots open above, into the eternity and its branches are below down as peripheral nerves. The inversion focuses on the primacy of self and information over genes and memes. Following such conceptual operational inversion, the quantum field theory of physics would be no longer said to have the problem of infinity. Quantum fields here are seen as the messengers of the Infinity.

IDENTIFICATION of the Players at the Top: Consciousness Self, Life, and Mind

IDENTIFICATION of the Players in the Physical Science: Space, Time, Matter, and Energy

IDENTIFICATION of the Top-Down and Bottom-Up interaction:

THE INITIAL STEP : proverbial initial first step for a thousand-mile journey is to generate ideas and concepts for framing research questions and research hypotheses. See the author’s Twelve Ideas that might expand the scope of Science (


The Systems Psyche, as an organ, operates as the inter-phase between Consciousness and Matter, which (Figs. 5, 6, 7 : The Systems Psyche) consists of nonlocal operators (ontologically) and their nonlocal operations (epistemologically), which have been happening in sub-Planckian nature. On the participating ground of Consciousness, four extraordinary participants, all of which individually are non-reducible, autonomous, and ‘nonlocal’, operate with respective Standard Operative Procedure (SOP). They are, Consciousness, Self, Life-principle, and Mind. Such autonomy is within the system’s holonomy. As the final common pathway, the operation of the Mind connects Information with Signals, which run the systems physics and systems chemistry. The systems biology of the cell, tissue, organs, and systems is connected with the systems cosmology through systems psychology.

Energy, Matter, Space, and Time are the players within the local material/physical domain of Science. Consciousness, Self, Life, and Mind are the players in the nonlocal domain of Science. Operational Mechanics of Information connects the two domains (Fig. 8: Information, the Connecting Link).

The Greater detail of the key concepts has been described below.

Consciousness could be described from ontological, epistemological, axiological, and phenomenological perspectives.

Consciousness-as-such is the ground without any background and is independent of all foregrounds. Unlike any other ground consciousness is a supporting ground, participating ground, intervening ground, creative ground and an unfathomable inert ground (Figs. 9, 10: Canvas of Cognition). This consciousness is non-negotiable. It answers to no proprietor. It does not kowtow to anyone or anything. This is what may be described as the ontological consciousness. However, consciousness has operational mechanics.

Consciousness may work within the organ brain (a system) as the brain (systems)-confined consciousness. Consciousness in particulate and individualized form is what is called `self’, the customized operational unit for the self-organizing systems. This self-consciousness can operate with the systems-confined consciousness as well as within a system/brain-independent way. Consciousness-as-such, however, is independent of both self-consciousness and brain (systems)-bound consciousness.

Consciousness, like a spider, weaves the net but itself is outside the snare of the net. Consciousness is known by what consciousness does; cognition, feel, and making a “will”. This consciousness is the epistemic consciousness. Both self-consciousness and systems-confined consciousness are examples of epistemic consciousness.

The immediate extension of consciousness is Mother Nature, which serves as consciousness’s most trusted custodian. Mother Nature is the mother of the rest of nature and is often said as the executive front, kinetic pole, or mobile facet of consciousness. As Consciousness has specific operational mechanics, Mother Nature has specific operational mechanics as well. There is also a joint mechanics of this indissolubly wedded Biune Reality. All three mechanics operate upon respecting certain invariants, which construct the rigorous values-systems and therefore, form the axiology of consciousness

Just as Mother Nature is a direct extension of consciousness, so the phenomenal world is a direct extension of Mother Nature’s nest. Phenomenology of consciousness operates, subject to the approval of axiological consciousness which is, in turn, solely dependent on the permissiveness of the highest ontological position of consciousness-as-such. The “Self” remains at the center of phenomenology; surface phenomenology of nature governed by rules and laws of classical and quantum physics, and elementary phenomenology at the sub-Planckian scale of nature, which is governed by operations of information, mind, memory, and intelligence, and depth phenomenology at the sub-sub-Planckian scale of nature are governed by operations of “life”, Self and Mother Nature.

Consciousness’s independent domain is at the depth, deeper to sub-sub-Planckian nature.

The Total Spectrum:

The ‘world’ which is reducible (definable), observable and measurable is ruled by the principles of classical and quantum physics (Nests I & II). The mechanism of classical-quantum transition is yet far from clear. Wave function collapse, Symmetry breaking and making, and Decoherence are the three ways this transition could occur respectively by the action of observer scientist’s consciousness, ‘life’ and the mind ( ( The transition of the quantum world to the realm of elementary phenomenology (Nest III) is proposed to occur through ‘quantum discontinuity’ and ‘quantum void’, the ‘sink’ and the ‘fountainhead’ of the quantum-characterized nature respectively. The nest of elementary phenomena (Nest III) and the nest of Mother Nature (Nest IV) are the missing pieces of the whole puzzle in a Pentaune, the Five-in-One, model of nature-consciousness. Consciousness’s independent nest could be named Nest V, (Figs. 11, 12: Pentaune Model of Nature-Consciousness).

The Logical basis of this Divide: Extended uncertainty principle

Uncertainty limits our cognitive ability and imposes epistemological constraints in observation. That nature that observes a stratified nested hierarchy in the organization could be logically constructed on the basis of an extended uncertainty principle. Perceived uncertainty in describing simultaneously the paired properties which are canonically conjugate to each other in the Hamiltonian sense (e.g. position and velocity or angular momentum and angular position, energy of the particle, and the time at which it is measured) is the characteristic of the description of quantum nature (nest II). In classical nature (nest I) no such uncertainty is encountered. The nature which is subtler than what is measured in Planck’s scale could be reached by penetrating through ‘quantum discontinuity’ or ‘quantum void’. This is a sub-quantum nest of nature (nest III) that deals with existential phenomena that are most ‘elementary’ in character. Within this nest, the perceived uncertainty in describing the observer-dependent reality is between the properties of the object and its very existence! The ability to distinguish properties from their existence requires a sharper cognitive skill. With the further sharpening of cognitive faculty this principle of uncertainty could be extended into a sub-sub-quantum nature (nest IV) where in the description of an observer-depended reality, uncertainty is encountered between existence and non-existence. Properties are totally irrelevant here. In the deepest recess of nature (nest V) perceived uncertainty in the observer-dependent reality is seen to operate between non-existence and a new existence! Unconditional consciousness as a perceived reality either does not exist or it exists as a reality that is new, novel, and hither-to-unknown. It appears in a new ‘form’, every time one tries to observe and describe it. Four levels of perceived uncertainty, therefore, determine four different depths of nature beyond classical nature. Uncertainty is measurable and, therefore, could be an issue for science.

Awakening and Awareness:

Consciousness should not be confused with awakening and awareness. Consciousness is the unconditional ground. Awakening and awareness are in the context of a system. The system is awake. The system is aware. As a CEO of the systems, I am awake, I am aware. (Self is that which creates the sense of ‘I’, Me, and Mine). Awakening is the result of the joint operation of Consciousness, Self, and Life. Awareness is also the result of the same. A lifeless entity cannot be awake or aware! The focus of awareness is on the content of consciousness. The content in conscious awareness comes from information. All information does not reach the threshold of consciousness. The Self scrutinizes the intent threshold of the relevant information. Life scrutinizes the concern threshold of information. Consciousness scrutinizes the perfection threshold of information. Then the system becomes aware of the contents of consciousness! (Fig. 13 : Operation of becoming aware of the Contents in the Information).

Neither in materialistic monism nor in consciousness monism, there is any room for mind. Mind originates with the generation of duality. “Mind cuts consciousness into two” (Sri Aurobindo). Mind acts as an organ of communication between two conscious systems (Fig. 14 : Mind originates in Duality). The Mind connects two conscious systems. Mind is the final common pathway to, and from the systems psyche from, and to the physical/material world through Zero-point Energy. The Mind is which converts the signal into information and information into signal. Information is the father, the Mind is the Mother and, Space, Time, and Energy are their three children. The birth canal is the Zero-point Energy!

The Mind does not have an independent existence. At the one end of the mind, there is the beginning of consciousness. At the other end of the mind,there is beginning of matter.

Similar properties of Mind and Consciousness

There are similarities in the properties of mind and consciousness. As consciousness is independent of space and time, so is the mind. Consciousness could not be localized. So is also mind. As there are ‘layers’ of consciousness, so there are layers of the mind. Consciousness could be brain-bound or brain-independent. So is also the mind.

The Mind differs from consciousness

However, there are differences between the two. Consciousness is the ground. Mind works on the ground of consciousness. Consciousness is the non-negotiable imperative. Mind is not. The Mind and consciousness differ in their operation. Consciousness proceeds with a unifying principle. It starts from unity and not from any divisions. The Mind cannot proceed without making distinctions. The Mind on its own is ‘carried forward by the stream of its own past energies’ (Sri Aurobindo). Consciousness begins afresh. Mentality left alone, leads to chaos. Consciousness along with self, life-principle, mind and information creates order.

The other important difference between the mind and consciousness is in the context of information. There is no state of mind which is information-independent. Consciousness , unconditional, is always and completely independent of information. Mind cannot generate information. Consciousness does not.

Consciousness generates will. Mother Nature generates the letter of intent from a conscious will. The Intention is transformed into an instruction sheet through self and life. The content of the instruction sheet has information that is handed over to the Mind. Mind processes information to give birth to Signal (a space-time construct of energy).

Distinctive features Mind and Consciousness are tabulated below

Mind border Consciousness
Basic Difference border
1. Ontologically of lower status border 1. Ontologically of higher status
2. Substance category is different from consciousness border 2. Substance category is different from mind
3. On deeper side, transition to consciousness, on superficial side transition to matter border 3. Transition to mind to superficial (outer) side
4. Mind works on the ground of consciousness border 4. Consciousness is the ground without any background and is independent of all foregrounds

5. Mind originates, evolves, degenerates, dissolves, and also regenerates border 5. Immutable

Operational Difference border
1. Mind works as an organ of communication between two conscious systems border 1. Two conscious systems work through mind
2. Mind cannot proceed without making distinction border 2. Consciousness proceeds from unity and with unifying principle
3. Mind operates on its past energy border 3. Consciousness is teleological, starts afresh
4. Mind retains memory of information border 4. Consciousness retains memory of     experience within the ‘self’
5. Mentality, left alone, leads to exhaustion or chaos border 5. Consciousness relieves from exhaustion and could bring order when working with life-principle,information and mind.

Difference in important properties border
1. Mind does not have intentional property border 1. Consciousness is intentional
2. Representational property is in mind border 2. No representational property
3. The ability to reflect upon its own (metamentation) is limited border 3. Metacognition, the ability to reflect on its own content, level, state or creation is a property of consciousness
4. Mind reports to “Self” of the systems border 4. Consciousness reports to none.
5. Mind can act as internal central ‘sense organ’. This property is best observed during dream border 5. Consciousness is never a sense organ. It also does not dream
Mind dreams. Mind is active in REM sleep, dream sleep and silent in NREM sleep border Consciousness is ever supportive for the systems
Difference in the context of Information border
1. Mind receives and processes information. Analysis, prioritization and action on information are done in consultation with `self’ or according to program made by self border 1. Consciousness participates in generation of information. Self programs the processing of information within mind
2. Mind can split information into form/image(space and time) and energy border 2. There is dissolution of information in consciousness
3. Using computer-metaphor, it may be stated that the matter is the hardware and mind is the software border 3. Using computer-metaphor, this may be said that consciousness is the software and mind the hardware
4. Mind could never be information-independent border 4. Consciousness is always information-independent
5. Without its connection with consciousness mind is sterile, can not conceive information and be creative with delivery of new space,new time and energy border 5. Without mind, consciousness is non-analytical and even non-rational. Mindless consciousness is silent and non-communicative
6. Mind owes its fecundity to consciousness and infidelity to matter border 6. It is Mind which connects consciousness (also Self and Life) with the matter.

Outcome border
1. From mind comes out space, time and energy border 1. Intention, purpose, informationare outcome of consciousness
2. Local science is the creation of mind (and intellect) border 2. Science of Nonlocal domain to manifest in third persons perspective requires active involvement of consciousness

Model of Mind

The Mind falls within the stretch of matter and consciousness. On one side, the mind is in connection with the matter. On the other side, the mind extends to consciousness. Matter- Mind-Consciousness forms an indivisible stretch.

If we accept the defining property of mind as which works as an organ of communication between two conscious systems, it is possible to work out a model between space- time-bound Newtonian/Einsteinian nature and the boundless consciousness from which several universe(s) originate and in which several universe(s)dissolve. There are three voids and two tunnels in between. In the astronomical scale, voids are interstellar space, intergalactic space, and inter-universal void. In Conquering the Brain (1995), such a model has been constructed. One could find seven organized strata in the structure and process of the mind separating and connecting the brain-bound consciousness and brain-independent unconditional consciousness of the system (Fig. 15 : Layers of Cosmic Mind).

Mind-equivalent structure and process in Nature:

In nature, mind-like structure and process might be within the core of quantum fields in connection with the Infinity. In quantum electrodynamics, it is said that photons around electron can temporarily borrow any amount of energy from the vacuum and pay it back to the vacuum instantaneously or in such a short time that it is not possible to check the transaction.

The Mind is the connecting link for Consciousness, Self, and Life, with the players of the local plane (through Information). In fact, the operation of Mind or mind-like structure and process in nature splits information (Fig. 16 : Information-split) into Form (a combination of Space and Time) and Energy. In the information-split phenomenon, information may be compared to a ‘father’, mind to a ‘mother’, and space, time, and energy to their three children (Fig. 17 : Information as Father).

Consciousness appoints the ‘self’ as its chief executive officer (CEO) within the systems to cognize, to experience and feel, and execute the ‘will’ of consciousness. Therefore, the self is conditioned to function within the constraints inherent within the system. The self is also responsible for keeping the system ‘open’ to unconditional consciousness. The decision- making authority within the system is ‘self’. The self is which creates the sense of “I”, Me and Mine within the systems. The self, in the scientific paradigm, is seen as an emergent entity from system-bound consciousness. The Spiritual paradigm describes self as an informed individualized unit of unconditional consciousness (Fig. 18 : Self, two views on its origin). The connection between systems (brain)-bound and systems (brain)- independent consciousness is made through ‘self’ (Fig. 19 : Self connects Systems-bound and Systems-independent Consciousness).

Interestingly, a brain-bound psyche and the ‘self’ confines its cosmology to a singular universe. In a supracortically open brain, the psyche and its ‘self’ perceives multiple universe(s), the systems of the Multiversity, and the Essence of the Multiversity.

Contrasting features of Mind and Self

Mind border Self
1. Categorically different, displays more ‘feminine’ property border 1. Belongs to category of consciousness, displays more ‘masculine’ property
2. Mind is active in awakened and dream states, quiescent in deep sleep state. Mind is not capable of having any experience in awakened, dream or sleep states border 2. Able to experience. Self is the experiencer in awakened, dream and deep sleep states
3. Main function is to process information, store information. Mind can not read meaning of information border 3. Programming of information processing is done by `self’. Can read meaning of information
4. Mind is inept in handling phenomenon and, therefore, can not experience! border 4. Self is sensitive to phenomena and can have experiences
5. Retains memory of information border 5. Retains memory of experience

The Mind reports to the Self. The Self does conditioning and programming of the mind to process information. The Self retains the memory of the episodic experience. In the background of experience (memory), the self creates with the mind what is called Intelligence. With the participating consciousness, in conjunction with operations of “life”, the operation of self is responsible for awakening, self-awareness, and choice (Fig. 20 : Operational Mechanics of Self). Self is sensitive to phenomena and responds accordingly.

Motivation arises from the ‘self’s private facets (Fig. 21 : Motivational facets of Self).To understand this private facet of ‘self’, we are to examine the phenomena, elementary in nature, which participated during the separation of self from unconditional consciousness before being born as a system’s chief executive. This constitutes the elementary phenomenology of consciousness. The phenomena are a “desire” for new creation, the expression of “sex”; the birth of something new as a separate system, the expression of “Life”; informational conditioning of the existence of the born system resulting in its “Ego”; with a tendency in the system for sharing its property with other, an expression of “Love”. The separation process is accompanied by the “Death” of the unity and homogeneity of original unconditional consciousness. The phenomena mentioned are absolutely elementary in nature. Any system supposed to have a ‘self’, cannot avoid, bypass or skip the influence of the elementary phenomena.

Interestingly, the leaders in the field of psychology have emphasized on one or the other of these private facets of self in the psyche. The freudian school has laid emphasis on ‘Sex’, Alfred Alder on ‘Ego’, Jungian School on synchronicity, – a phenomenon seen in ‘Love’, Abraham Maslow on the hierarchy of needs and fulfillment of ‘Life’. Sri Aurobindo from India demonstrated meticulously in his epic work, Savitri, the steps for conscious physical conquest of ‘Death’ while alive. He has deliberated on the importance of self’s molding through this process of death in the process of individuation. The imprints of these five phenomena, namely Sex, Life, Ego, Love, and Death, therefore could always be identified on ‘self’. These imprints form self’s private facets. The concept reflects a synthesis of individual contributions from those who are recognized as the leading luminary of the human psyche.

Elementary phenomenology connects the classical and quantum phenomenology (surface phenomenology) with the depth phenomenology of Self, Life (Mother Nature), and Consciousness (Fig. 22 : Surface, Depth and Elementary Phenomenology).

Private facets of self

  • are, therefore, trans-cultural and trans-religions in nature, connecting individual with the universal/trans-universal.
  • possess the ‘password’ for initiating and modulating motivation. And, the author proposes, they constitute the elements of subjective experience (cf: Thomas Nagel).

While every live-system has a psyche, and therefore a self and its motivational facets, it is likely that there would be a Psychic Skeleton for the entire systems for any multicellular organism (Fig. 23 : The Psychic Skeleton).

Life is grasped differently by the spiritualists, the philosophers, and the scientists. For the common people, life (Jivan, in Sanskrit) begins at birth and lasts through its uninterrupted span till death. For Aristotle, life was an animation, for Descartes a mechanism, for Kant an organization, for Darwin variation and evolution, for Whitehead a process, for Weber an emergent complex system, and for Dawkins an epiphenomenal gene vehicle! For the accomplished spiritualist, life means life principle. For a biologist, life is enclosed within a cell membrane with a typical form, bounded by space and time. For a materialist, life is an “orderly and lawful matter based partly on existing order that is kept up.” For a scientist adapted to an advanced self-organizing paradigm, life means the living state of matter.

When we describe “life” on the gross scale, it is a life-form, on microscopic and ultramicroscopic scale it means processes of life, and on the scale of mind and self, life means life- principle. In the systems psyche, life is life-principle.

Similarities between consciousness and life-principle:

  • Both are inexhaustible, immutable and irreducible!
  • Both are all-pervasive, diffuse and non-particulate
  • Both are contagious by nature
  • Both have the ability to involute. Consciousness involutes as self, while life-principle involutes as live-information
  • Spontaneity is characteristic of both. Both are creative too

Differences between consciousness and life-principle:

  • Life-principle is a creation of consciousness-Mother Nature
  • Life-principle works on the ground of Consciousness as a currency for the mechanics of Consciousness
  • Life-principle can have a mechanics of its own, different from that of Consciousness
  • Independence of life-principle is not absolute. It is bestowed on her by Consciousness
  • Vigilantism is a property of Consciousness, not observed in case of life-principle

Self and Life maintain a tangled hierarchy (Fig. 24 : Self & Life, Tangled Hierarchy). Self, Life, and Consciousness have joint operation for awakening, awareness, experience, choice, and decision. Life, Mind, and Information are jointly responsible for evoking Emotional responses.

Operation of ‘Life’

The cardinal sign of “Life” and life processes is homeostasis; at the scale of life-principle, this is uncertainty-certainty homeostasis, asymmetry-symmetry homeostasis, and visible energy-dark energy homeostasis (Fig. 25 : Operations of Life). Cognition, although property of consciousness, is observable in the behavior of live entity. Cognition happens in cascading manner from signal to information, to knowledge, to an experience, and to wisdom. The specific role of life in the scale of life-principle and self is in transforming knowledge into experience! The process of climbing up the ladder of cognition consumes visible energy, which is converted into dark energy. The process of climbing down the ladder of cognition consumes dark energy, which is converted into visible energy (Fig. 26 : The Ladder of Cognition).

The author hold a radical view of Information ( (Setting the Agenda for Science of Information: and (Science of Information:

The signal is not an Information. The organ which could extract information out of signal has been called the “Mind” by the linguistics.

Nature and character of information defy observable, positivistic, and reductionist science.

New Testament says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The Kabbalah paradigm echoes similarly on the beginning. In Mimamsa, the one out the six philosophical schools prevalent in Vedic Darshan, it has been said that the matter has come out of information (Padartha = Pada + Artha; Word+ Matter). In the last century, Swami Vivekananda thundered, “I am a Voice without form.”

Information is simultaneously a “Form” and a Process (Fig. 27 : Information is to put form into process).

The Structural geometry of Information

Information having a content and an intent reduces uncertainty in the physical/material plane. Information, as an trifoliate leaf, carries intent that works with the self, have a content that works with the mind and quenches measurable uncertainty experienced within the material nature. In this sense, information entangles Self, Mind and Matter (Fig. 28 : Geometry of Information). The petiole of the leaf collects sap from the “life”. (Visualizing Information as a Dynamic Entity. Roadmap of Deep Science, AI and Humanity:

Information can exist in two states; location-non-addressable, content-non-addressable, context-non-addressable state and location-addressable, content-addressable, context- addressable state.

Properties of Information

  • Information has the ability of being simultaneously present anywhere and everywhere in the universe and outside the universe (a property of spatial nonlocality of infinite order), and being present at any point and every point of time from before beginning of time through present time to endless continuity of time (a property of temporal nonlocality of eternal magnitude).
  • All information is present simultaneously, a-temporally, at any given space and given time and in every space and time (a property of simultaneously being local and nonlocal).
  • In spite of being originally pre-spatial and pre-temporal, it remains in potential waiting phase for an opportune situation to become active for causal execution, creative emergence, and new creation.

Information Manifolds

No information is an island. In the no-space, no-time domain of nature, information could not remain alone. Information remains as information manifolds especially in the deeper part of nest-III and superficial part of nest-IV, creating a specific pattern or “grouping” for functional recruitment. Here, a close relationship of information is observed with life-principle, consciousness, and “self.” Several categories of information could be recognized in manifolds.

Information Mechanics is different from quantum mechanics

  • Information is neither emitted as, nor works as ‘quantum’. Therefore, quantum mechanics is not applicable for understanding the dynamics of information. Information mechanics is independent of classical and quantum mechanics.
  • Many of the puzzles (z-mysteries) and paradoxes (x-mysteries) in quantum physics, in fact, could be explained when this operational mechanics of information is taken into account. The properties ascribed to quantum particle/wave, such as discontinuity, superposition, nonlocality, and entanglement, could be explained on the basis of information dynamics.
  • Interaction of information begins with quantum particle/wave at the points of (i) quantum discontinuity and (ii) quantum void. In other words, the “sites” of association and dissociation between quantum object and information are suggested to be quantum “void” and quantum “discontinuity.” The observed “discontinuity” in quantum state, as such, is not a property of quantum particle/wave.

    Discontinuity as a phenomenon becomes behaviorally observable because of association and dissociation between free information and quantum state of matter with consequent information gain and information loss. Similarly, nonlocality might not be a property of quantum object per se. This is a property borrowed from information. The property is acquired out of its conjugation with information. A non-informational quantum object cannot exhibit nonlocal behavior. When a classical object exhibits nonlocal behavior (William Tiller), it could be similarly explained by this informational presence.

  • Quantum mechanics and the mechanics of information intermingle. Quantum particles/waves are of two types. One group is having mass like atom, proton, electron, positron, etc. Those behave as if they are in relativistic paradigm. Their speed limit is the velocity of light. The other group is without mass, like photon, phonon, conformon, neutrino etc. These are not bound by relativistic paradigm and could exhibit superluminal velocity in certain specified situation when they are respectively looked as Photon-equivalent of Consciousness, Phonon-equivalent of Consciousness, Conformon-equivalent of Consciousness and Neutrino-equivalent of Consciousness.

    Information, however, is definitely massless and does not acquire mass across any barrier. Information could penetrate and use both types of quantum existence as stated above: quantum particle/wave without mass and with mass. It is likely that the quantum particles, which could “mess up”/ “mix up”/ “sex up” within formation are proved to be “able” ones (cf: “be-able” of Bell). Other particles, which are incapable of doing such, are “changeable” during assembly interaction. In this sense, we may call quantum physics as physics of vehicle of information in the materialistic world within Planck’s scale of nature. It is implied that information has other vehicles, too, beyond Planck’s scale.

    Although quantum mechanics and information mechanics run independent of each other, they do intermingle when the quantum, massless or with mass, becomes “vehicle” of information. As a result, quantum particles show paradoxical behaviour. These paradoxical quantum properties are, at present, being harnessed for advanced information technology like quantum computation, quantum cryptography, and quantum teleportation.

    Although QM is left independent to a large extent, information mechanics appears eventually to govern quantum mechanics.

  • Information is frequently seen to remain coupled. Information coupling while making information holograph, is done by self (consciousness). The magnitude and extensiveness of coupling can be increased or reduced by self. Entanglement is another description, usually applied for quantum objects. Pure entanglement could be spontaneously initiated in nature. Involvement of self/consciousness is not mandatory for entanglement. Entanglement also differs functionally from coupling. Entanglement means binding without freedom. Coupling does not abhor freedom. Information can couple with an endless number of its kind and still can remain individually free. In contrast, a quantum particle/wave cannot be entangled with an endless number of quantum particle/waves.

    When “quantum” and information intermingle, information follows quantum rules. We might then call this phenomenon information entanglement. Information entanglement seems conceptually more proximate to consciousness than quantum entanglement! However, both can happen independently. Information entanglement can initiate quantum entanglement at the material level to make it sensible. Quantum entanglement cannot be a mechanism for the “whole”! I mean holographic communication is done through information entanglement and not through quantum entanglement. It is information entanglement that connects several minds, several “selfs” and several universe(s) (Fig. 29 : Information Holograph) After achieving disentanglement from this informational network, self could come face to face with unconditional consciousness-as-such.

Information Mechanics

It may be stated that information mechanics is a mechanics of waiting, a mechanics of opportunism, a mechanics of causation, a mechanics of creative emergence, and a mechanics of new creation.

Information mechanics is a mechanics of waiting. Information for its manifestation could wait for eons, for millions of years. Waiting is mostly attributed to inactivated form of information. Activation opens up its opportunistic property. Information mechanics is a mechanics of opportunism. Information is opportunistic. Therefore, imperatively, it is slow, patient, and intelligent. Its dynamics are nonlinear. Information, in opportune moments, asserts causal execution. Information works as the causal executive.

It is the mind which brings information’s inside out as ‘form’/image/idea (i.e., space and time) and in the process, energy is liberated. In this sense, Information could be regarded as the ‘Father’ of a five-member family where ‘Mother’ is the Mind (or Mind equivalent structure and process). Space Time and Energy are their three children (Fig. 16, 17 ). The energy liberated from information is intrinsic energy and requires to be distinguished from the matter-based energy such as solar energy or nuclear energy. Production of matter from this information-based energy is predicted to happen in nest III of nature in the sub-Planckian scale (Fig. 30 : Inter-conversion of dark energy into dark matter).

The ecosystem of energy consists of a) matter-sourced conventional energy, b) information- sourced dark energy, and c) consciousness-sourced, and intention-sourced subtle energy, posited outwards to inwards, i.e., superficial to deeper nests of nature. Grossly it may be said that within a biological cell, conventional energy runs the metabolome, dark energy runs the protein factory and gene machinery, and subtle energy manipulates mainly epigenomic activities but also influences genomic, proteomic and metabolic activities (Fig. 31, 32, 33, ) Hierarchy of information states and the hierarchy of operations could also be correlated  (Fig. 34 ). The issue is how conventional energy, subtle energy and dark energy maintain an equilibrium in energy economics? The issue is how can we harness dark energy? We are awaiting a biotechnological tool to harness dark energy. Clean energy would boost climate action, public health and sustainable development.

For Details and Road Map:

( ecosystem-of-a-cell-compressed.pdf)

That the brain is the source of consciousness is based on wrong assumptions for which there is no credible evidence. Conscious activities, on the other hand, could be observed in plants, brainless animals, and even in single cells.

Defining Conscious Activities

The traditional stimulus-response paradigm covers only a limited part of conscious activities, habituated and perceptive behaviors. The testimonials for conscious activities, however, remain as the ability of (i)  extracting information from a signal, (ii) self-nonself distinction and executing intention, (iii) doing uncertainty-certainty and  asymmetry-symmetry homeostasis, and harness dark energy for body’s gene machinery and protein factory, (iv) learning and retaining what is learnt as memory, and finally (v) opting for a choice and making a decision, ‘will’/‘won’t’,  in a simple or a complex situation often with creativity and lead. Conscious activities account for autonomous and holonomic behaviors of the system.

Flaws in the assumption of Brain as the source of Consciousness

  • Artificial neural network (ANN) was inspired from brain operations. Now, ANN and computational neuroscience are considered experimental tools to investigate  consciousness as an Objective Reality, missing the fact that the system brain in addition to 100 billion live neurons has 2-10 times more glial cells. We are nowhere near Drosophila’s consciousness after identification of every FlyWire connectome. ANN technology now powers generative AI, a non-living and not-conscious device.
  • Complexity of the brain is not a material but multilayered biological complexity.  In the human cerebral cortex, one neuron connects with 5000-10000 others to  produce 500-1000 trillion synapses. The cortical and cerebellar synapses are tripartite with astrocytes. One astrocyte is reported to modulate approximately two million synapses. The inter-neuronal connections are biological, electromagnetic, and even wireless, and ephatic too.
  • The brain itself has automated its reflex and habituated functions. The autonomous cognitive behaviors and the holonomic group, lead, and creative behaviors are beyond the bounds of machine-mindset, and have been missed out.
  • The brain has been assumed to be informationally closed at the cerebral cortex, by which  the transmissive functions of the brain have been totally ignored. It is the brain which makes the unknown imaginable, imagined intelligible, intelligible possible, possible verifiable, and verifiable verified.
  • The brain has been assumed merely as a natural or formal system. The brain is a codal (informational), live and conscious organ as well.

Evidence in favor of Consciousness using the organ Brain
During a paradigm war, no evidence is insignificant, or a fringe phenomenon.

That without using any technology the members of indigenous tribes communicate with each other regularly over long distances is known to social science. We gather soft cultural evidence watching the revered Pope keep his blessing hands on the head of Stephen Hawking, where religion meets science. Long distant healing by means of prayer is another evidence of communication of ‘will’ and wishes from well-wishers to patients without any technological help.

The evidence that consciousness can move out-and-in of the brain comes from uncommon neurophenomenology such as autoscopy,  out-of-body experience, near-death experience, and the phenomenon of flying-in-dream.

PET scan evidence on psychotherapy of compulsive  obsessive disorder patients leading to similar result in the head of the caudate nucleus  as of medication therapy and Psycho-neuro- phenomenological evidence of surgery under hypnosis replacing general anesthesia, (Fig. 35 )  strongly suggest primacy of cognitive faculty over the brain.

The evidence of interbrain transfer of thoughts happening between the brains within Faraday’s cage points out deeper than electromagnetic connections (Phys Essays 1994;7:422- 428). There are PET scan evidence of  behavioral mirroring in patient-clinician interaction (Sci. Adv. 2020;6: eabc1304).

Inter-netting of brains has been demonstrated (Neurosci Lett. 2003;336(1):60-64), and Scientific American, 2019. demonstrate-direct-brain-to-brain-communication-in-humans).

The Importance of the Brain

The brain operates as a natural, formal, informational (codal), live, and conscious system to make the unknown imaginable, imagined intelligible, intelligible possible, possible verifiable, and verifiable verified. These transmissive and organizing functions  are unique for the brain as an organ, evolved and still evolving!

The Roles of Consciousness

Consciousness, as a non-observable and influential, supports the brain’s reflex activities, upholds habituated acts, and participates in cognitive functions. Consciousness uses the brain to make its political statements by  asserting its “will”/“won’t”, in developing multisystem concurrence, creativity, and exhibiting holonomic group behavior, and leadership.

For details, and the Road-Map:

( ience_I-compressed.pdf)

( eration.pdf)

Artificial Intelligence is a Marketing Terminology (FTC, USA).  However, AI-Technology indicates a human-induced awakening of consciousness in matter. The mechanical device, at present, in all its forms are basically robots, inspired by ANN technology. All works and services which could be automated will be eventually taken over by this Artificial Device.

Robot and Generative AI are Non-living, and not Conscious Systems

What is automation in a mechanical system is biologized as reflex activities in the living system. Systematization in a mechanical device having ANN, is habituation in the nervous system by the live neural network. Machines can be trained while a biological system actively learns since it can create memory in true sense while ANN cannot! AI consumes an exorbitant amount of energy with huge contribution to environmental pollution while the formidable genome factory and outstanding proteome machinery of neurons are run by intangible energy with nil environmental pollution. Mechanical system deals with quantity, or quantized quality, not quality itself, and therefore its achievements end there. Fractal algebra or sacred geometry cannot replace beauty, or a perfume. Algebraic signals cannot create a feeling, or simply a sensation in a machine, but do it in neurons. AI, although run by a language, can- not think or create thought! “Language is primarily a tool for com- munication rather than thought”. Information geometry can create perception in the nervous system but cannot do so in a robot. Symmetrical ensembles of information can create a concept out of percepts in the nervous system, but is impossible in a mechanical device! Information manifolds are stored in a live system, which is unthinkable in a machine. The creativity by a machine is combina- torial, algorithmic, and statistically quantizable, mostly repetitive! In live-situation every creation is qualitatively unique. Habituated and creative multitasking are possible by a brain, not by a robot. Though autophagy is ubiquitous in a living cell, AI Models collapse when trained on recursively generated data. The model gets ‘MAD’ (Model Autophagy Disorder). AI has no “will”/“won’t”, the ability which even a single biological cell possesses! However, a programmed machine commits little error. Life keeps on improving pattern/data/signal to the level of wisdom by error correction and value-addition.

Humanizing the Humanoid:

In spite of AI’s game-changing Power it is fraught with dangers. We are to adapt with this innovation with human intelligence. We are yet to learn a lot even from cellular intelligence. With further development of the device, the algorithm will be geometric, sensors will be biosensor materials, the processors will be replaced by complex proteins, and one day the cloud could be the  natural cloud.  Introduction of biology in humanoid AI leads to a trade-off between energy consumption and output, speed and quality, automation and autonomy; energy consumption would be reduced with an increase of quality output, stupidity would decrease with slowing down of its speed, and its autonomous outbursts might decrease with the prevailing sense of holonomy

( _frightful_phenomenology.pdf)

As it is extremely difficult for Science to know the scientist (, so also it is extremely difficult to know, objectively see, and understand our relationship with the Divine! Therefore, without going into any argument in favor or against the issue, we will recommend to focus on the Essence of the Multiversity and the systems multiverse. Divinity is the objective reality (OR) of the Divine ( The Multiverse is the intellectually comprehensible largest possible cognitive reality for science. The systems science must be inclusive of nature that is beyond ZPE, beyond the imaginary boundary of our universe. In the process of individuation of the scientist with the progress of such science, immersive neuroscience is inculcated in scientist’s life, and the present Homo sapiens evolves into Homo spiritualis (

Three fundamental questions

Three fundamental questions raised in Prasna Upanishad, and Brihad-aranayak Upanishad are,

  • Who am I?
  • What is this World?
  • What is God (in the language of science, consciousness-as-such)?

There is another more fundamental question. What is the purpose of life?

The purpose of human life is to find out the answers of these three fundamental questions.

During the life-long cognitive pursuit (Jnana) for getting the answers of those three fundamental questions, one overcomes complicated obstacles in the world by means of skill (Karma) and this succeeds only when one pursues to achieve the objectives with unswerving devotion (Bhakti) to the Divine.

The net gain of the universe is conversion of dark energy into visible energy especially when one shares this gain with the fellow human-beings. Astonishingly, the original purpose of the enclosure of the wandering nucleic acid strands as RNAs and DNAs in the early universe by means of creating a boundary of cell membrane, and thereby creation of a life-form had been this!

Where do all these conceptual contributions lead to?

The scientists

  • Start investigating sub-Planckian nature and also nature deeper
  • Get engaged in developing the operational Informational Mechanics which is across the ZPE and within the boundary of the universe.
  • Gain clarity in understanding of the subtlety of ‘life’ as life-principle driving the life-processes within the life-form
  • Might go beyond the present status of nanotechnology, biotechnology and information technology and develop technology for harnessing dark energy for daily use
  • Might find out the connecting links between molecular signaling network within biological cell and the operational mechanics of the systems psyche.

With the development of a science for consciousness there happens a concurrent transition of Homo sapiens to Homo spiritualis and the emergence of a new Akhanda Worldview where the Systems neuroscience is governed by the Systems Psyche, which in turn is governed by the Systems Multiversity.